Mobile Application Penetration Testing Service in Singapore

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Mobile Application Penetration Testing Service in Singapore

Mobile Application Penetration Testing Service in Singapore

It is likely mandatory for every business to grow online on almost every platform, such as Websites, Web Applications, Mobile Applications, etc.  In this league, many genuinely working companies must maintain their customers on every portal to keep building healthy relationships with them. However, there is a heavy chance that some malicious intent-possessed black hat hackers can compromise the datasets possessed by these mobile applications. Hence, to safeguard these mobile applications, an enterprise has to employ a Mobile Application Penetration Testing Service in Singapore deployed by a good VAPT solutions provider in Singapore.

Mobile Application Penetration Testing is also known widely by many names, such as Mobile Pentest, Mobile Pentesting, Mobile VAPT, Mobile Pen Testing, etc. This service is genuinely integrated to expose various forms of vulnerabilities in the cybersecurity posture related to a mobile application. However, there are many varied Mobile App Penetration Testing organizations worldwide; we can say that Craw Security is the Best VAPT Services Provider in Singapore and other distinguished nations worldwide.

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What is Mobile Application Penetration Testing?

Mobile Application Security Testing is the process by which a working penetration testing professional or a team of them operates on a target mobile application to find any corresponding vulnerabilities, threats, or loopholes by which a malicious intent possessing black hat hacker compromises its datasets.  In addition, if a person is thinking of starting a Mobile App Pentesting, then the same can opt for Craw Security to confirm the Best VAPT Solutions Provider in Singapore and do your work with utmost dedication and professionalism.

Therefore, Mobile Application Penetration Testing is the critical methodology by which one can sincerely track down all the available issues in a target Mobile Application.

Mobile Application Security Testing Methodology

The team of expert Mobile Application Penetration Testers employs a dedicated Mobile Application Security Testing Methodology, acting as a human defense layer between your mobile organizational application and potential black hat hackers. Moreover, our expert pen testers work on a specialized Mobile App Pentesting Checklist, which they develop after a thorough dialogue with the higher authorities and owners of the business.

Furthermore, our expert team member related to the Mobile Application Penetration Testing Service confirms that they employ the OWASP Mobile Security Testing Guide while functioning on your target mobile applications with their series of attacks just to check whether every possible vulnerability aspect has been checked or not.

Process/Methodology of Mobile Application VAPT:

Here is the list of steps that our expert team of Mobile Application Penetration Testing professionals has taken:

  • Discovery
  • Assessment/Analysis
  • Exploitation
  • Reporting

Moreover, we tried to explain each of the steps mentioned above in the following table:

In this step, many vulnerabilities are discovered by the series of attacks initiated by our team of expert penetration testers in action on your target mobile application.
Assessment/ Analysis
The team does the Vulnerability assessment, or the analysis process, to track every possible vulnerability in any corner of the target Mobile Applications.
Further, the team exploits all the obtained vulnerabilities with a deep-assessed methodology considering all tools, tricks, algorithms, patterns, and technologies whatsoever that are required to do so.
In the final step, all the tracked vulnerabilities and exploitation patterns are recorded and documented in an accurate report and sent to the higher authorities for revaluation in the finale.

Objectives of the Mobile Application Penetration Testing Assessment

The prime objectives of the Mobile Application Penetration Testing Assessment are given below in the following table:

Tracking Security Flaws
It’s our prime obligation to track down all the security flaws concerning target mobile applications and their APIs/Web platformsWeb Services, etc.
Mitigating the Security Flaws
Tracking down all the security flaws is unsatisfactory when you cannot patch them with the correct methodology.
Security Compliance with the Republic of Singapore
It is our foremost duty to comply with the regulations and abide by the Cyber Security laws of the Republic of Singapore while working on your varied IT infrastructures.

Frequently Asked Questions

About Mobile Application Penetration Testing Service in Singapore

In this period full of mobile applications for almost every flourishing business, there is a great chance of losing the databases to the hands of black hat hackers with some malicious intent to sell those datasets in the black market or dark web just to gain some additional profits.
Craw Security has all the needful manpower as professional penetration testers with the right kind of knowledge and experience for the job as well as we do possess all the necessary tools, tricks, and techniques that are to be employed at the right moment.
Some of the famous standards for Mobile Application Penetration Testing are as follows:
● OWASP Top 10 Mobile Threats
● Common Vulnerability Scoring Systems (CVSS)
● Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE)
● National Information Assurance Partnerships (NIAP)
● Internet of Secure Things Alliance (ioXt)
There are multiple benefits of Mobile Application Penetration Testing that can be gained by any business by employing the world-class Mobile Application Penetration Testing Services by Craw Security – the Best VAPT Solutions Provider in Singapore. Some of them are mentioned below:
● Tracking Security Flaws
● Mitigating the Security Flaws
● Security Compliance with the Republic of Singapore
Yes, the varied protocols related to Mobile Application Penetration Testing can be sincerely done on Mobile Applications. Any business with a keen intent to employ the best-in-class Mobile Application Penetration Testing Solutions under the supervision of high-end Penetration Testing professionals can employ the world-class services of Craw Security – the Best VAPT Solutions Provider in Singapore.
The genuinely famous 5 stages of Penetration Testing are as follows:
● Reconnaissance,
● Scanning,
● Vulnerability Assessment,
● Exploitation
● Reporting.
The 3 types of Penetration Testing Techniques are mentioned as follows:
● Black Box Penetration Testing
● Grey Box Penetration Testing
● White Box Penetration Testing
It is widely known that OWASP Top 10 Vulnerability Assessment is generally considered tracking down all the vulnerabilities comprised within web applications, however, the foundation also has a mobile security project duly concentrated on the mobile app industry as well.
The security flaws that can lead to backdoor entries to the genuinely practicing black hat hackers are certainly called mobile app vulnerabilities. However, these can be mitigated by using the genuine VAPT Services in Singapore by Craw Security.
Mobile App Security Testing can be defined as vulnerability assessment and penetration testing that can track down every small and big shortcoming that can give backdoor access to the black hat hackers looking out for their next prey.