
ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS)

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ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS)

ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS)

The Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) was very actually introduced and began to be used in 2018. In addition, ISO 45001:2018 is an expansion of the ISO Standard Series for Health & Safety.

It is a global standard that is followed by everyone in the world and offers the same framework for consistent health and safety procedures across all geographies and cultural contexts. In this regard, the purpose of ISO 45001:2018 is to prevent accidents, illnesses, and fatalities in the workplace.

Moreover, it is highly helpful for small, medium, and large businesses that operate in many countries around the world and follow the same health and safety procedures.

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Role of Craw Security in OHSMS 45001:2018 Certification

A team of experienced and trained auditors, lead auditors, and technical experts from Craw Security are available to perform a value-added assessment and contribute to the ongoing development of your company.

The Craw Security team can provide the two-step audit, and you have the right to OHSMS ISO 45001:2018 certification if your client or a bidder requests it.

Why Craw Security is Best for OHSMS ISO 45001:2018 Certification?

There are several reasons to choose Craw Security, such as:

  • World-class, two-step certification process.
  • On-time delivery of the certificate, as promised.
  • Round-the-clock executive team support.
  • Online application to certification selection processing.
  • Competitive advantage.

Benefits of OHSMS ISO 45001:2018 Certification

  • Cost savings: It aids in strengthening statutory and legal responsibilities while lowering expenses and fines.
  • Enhanced health and safety Trust: It supports enhancing the health and safety standards for both employees and other personnel as well as among third parties.
  • Increased Customer Satisfaction: It supports enhanced sales, enhanced brand reputation, and increased customer happiness.
  • Accessibility to emerging markets: It assists in lowering trade obstacles and expanding international trade.
  • Greater market share: The global standards assist in enhancing efficiency and competitiveness brought forth by international standards

Frequently Asked Questions

About ISO 45001:2018 Certification Services

An international standard for occupational health and safety management systems is ISO 45001:2018. It offers enterprises a structure for overseeing and enhancing their occupational health and safety performance and ensuring adherence to pertinent laws and regulations. Certification to ISO 45001:2018 confirms an organization's determination to ensure a safe and healthy operational environment for its staff and other parties.
Organizations apply the ISO 45001 standard for Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems to increase worker security, lower workplace risks and establish better, safer working conditions. Moreover, many enterprises that can show they comply with the standard's standards are given the certificate.
An organization must take a few important actions in order to obtain ISO 45001 certification: Learn the standards of the ISO 45001 standard, then evaluate how well your association's operational health and safety management system complies with them. To repair any holes or flaws in your present health and safety management system, create an action plan. Establish a management system for occupational health and safety that complies with the standards of the ISO 45001 standard by putting the action plan into effect. To ensure that the health and safety management system is correctly implemented and complies with ISO 45001, conduct an internal audit. Obtain an external audit of your health and safety management system from a third-party certifying agency, such as Craw Security. You should address any non-conformities found by the certifying authority and update your health and safety management system as needed. Obtain ISO 45001 certification after the external audit is successfully completed.
Any organization can obtain ISO 45001 certification, regardless of size, type, or type of work. However, it is especially pertinent to businesses in sectors like healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, and construction, where there is a high risk of occupational illnesses and injuries. Moreover, businesses can gain from ISO 45001 certification if they aim to enhance their occupational health and safety performance, lower the risk of accidents and injuries, and adhere to pertinent health and safety requirements. Furthermore, many companies in the public and commercial sectors demand that their suppliers and contractors hold an ISO 45001 certification before doing business with them.
Considering that the recognized company successfully accomplishes yearly surveillance audits to guarantee continued compliance with the standard, ISO 45001 certification is valid for three years from the date of issuance. In addition, the certification body will undertake surveillance audits every year to make sure the firm is still adhering to the norm after the initial certification audit, which involves a thorough assessment of the company's occupational health and safety management system. Additionally, the certification is valid for an additional year if the organization passes the surveillance audits. Moreover, the organization will need to go through a thorough re-certification audit to renew its certification for an additional three years at the conclusion of the three-year certification cycle. Similar to the first certification audit, re-certification audits include an in-depth assessment of the company's health and safety management system to guarantee continued adherence to the standard.
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